Upcoming Masses for Erin’s Intention- 6th Memorial

Upcoming Masses for Erin’s intention:
Friday, December 6, 5 pm at Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Assumption College, Worcester, MA [Assumption Band’s Christmas Concert is the same night at 8 pm][Weather permitting, we plan to be at both]
Saturday, December 7, 4 pm at St.Mary’s in Norton, MA.[We plan to be at this one]
Sunday, December 8, 10 am (by cousin Fr Kevin) at St.Christopher’s on Peaks Island, Maine.
Monday, December 9, 12:10 pm [Feast of the Immaculate Conception] at St.Joseph’s in Greenwich Village, NY (requested by Bertolami Family)


(photos courtesy of Michele Aubin) 

Photo courtesy of  Skyler Hesch

The presentation and book signing at Assumption College on November 13 was a night to remember. About 30 people braved the frigid seventeen-degree temperature on a Wednesday night to attend. Mike Land, who was the adviser for LeProvocateur opened the event and introduced President Cesareo. President Cesareo gave a wonderful talk about his memories of Erin. When he thinks of Erin, her eyes and her smile come first to his mind. His analysis of Erin is always so on the mark. When he finished, Abel and I presented him with a signed color edition of The Loudest Quiet Girl: Messages of Hope in a Dark World, in appreciation for his inspiring Foreword and all the help he gave me throughout the writing process.

After my own presentation and slide show, others in the audience were invited to share their relationships with Erin. The audience represented friends from college, teachers, even retired ones, work colleagues, friends, and people who had heard of her and wanted to know more about her. Their testimonies were poignant.

One fear parents have is that the world will forget that their child ever lived. After that night, especially, I was convinced that Erin had not and will not leave the hearts of the many people whom she touched. Many are still feeling very close to her.

It might have been bitterly cold outside but inside there was much warmth. Heartwarming for Abel and me as well as for those in attendance because it gave them a chance to all come together again and share their stories and sorrows remembering Erin. I think all who came really enjoyed and were grateful for the evening.

Refreshments and book signing followed in the Atrium where people could socialize some more.

Thanks to Mike Flynn of the Bookstore and Barnes&Noble for hosting the event, as well as Miike Land for his “MC” services; to Susan Sabelli for helping to arrange it initially.  Thanks to President Cesareo, and others who offered reflections of Erin: Erin Sullivan, Mike Land(again), Paul Shields, Stephanie Plotkin, and Lee Pearson. Great thanks to Laurie Palumbo who helped me with her technical expertise and recorded the whole presentation. Thanks to Rob and Trevor Benoit, Paul Shields, and Laurie Palumbo again, for staying with us to the end and helping us pack up and load the car in that cold air.  And a gracious thanks to all of those who came out for it, many from a great distance. We appreciated it so much.

PS  David Pepin, editor-in-chief of the Provocateur had a nice review in the paper’s next edition:

PPS I hope I didn’t forget to thank anyone. Please forgive me if I did.








ASSUMPTION COLLEGE (500 Salisbury St, Worcester, MA) Curtis Performance Hall, Tsotsis Academic Center, Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 7 pm  [presentation followed by signing]

LASALETTE SHRINE (947 Park St, Attleboro, MA) Welcome Center                                                       Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 1:30 pm [presentation followed by signing]

ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR, (173 Albion St, Wakefield, MA)            Friday, November 22, 4pm-8:30 pm and Saturday, November 23,  10am-3pm


The Abbey Book Signing was Fabulous!

In response to all your questions about how the book signing went on Saturday, it was fabulous!

The owners of The Abbey Catholic Book and Gift Store in Scarborough, Maine – Yvonne Johnson and her daughters Alexandra and Samantha, along with Yvonne’s husband, Carl went way and above the call of duty. They made the first signing flow so smoothly! Their tremendous personalized effort enabled a pleasant time for so many people. We talked with people we hadn’t seen in MANY years! One couple and their young son rented a car to be there. A mother and daughter came down from Worcester! Our Assumption friend flew up from Georgia to be there! My boss from the drug store I worked at in high school was there with his wife. The “girl” who used to babysit for me came. Erin’s friend and her family visited. Two “girls” I went to high school with came by. And, of course, friends and family were there to support us. We met many new people, especially through Erin’s cousin, Fr. Kevin. Everyone commented on being grateful that Erin’s messages and story are now being shared with so many.

Please support The Abbey. They are so hospitable and can help you find anything you’re looking for! And you can’t find more pleasant and genuine people.

Then we had some “mini private signings” in Yarmouth, Freeport, and Portland over the rest of the weekend.

It was physically and emotionally exhausting and we’re just recovering now, but it was a powerful weekend!
Thanks for all who supported us — especially for The Abbey who warmly opened their shop for Erin’s words to be shared.

💖💖💖 💖💖💖


Special Book Signing Set for the Abbey in Scarborough on October 26

SCARBOROUGH—Kathy Rodriques will sign copies of her new book, The Loudest Quiet Girl: Messages of Hope in a Dark World. The Short Full Life and Inspirational Writings of Erin Kate Rodriques, on Saturday, October 26, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Abbey Catholic Book & Gift Shop, located on 605 U.S. Route 1 (Dunstan Corner) in Scarborough.

The book is a compilation of inspirational writings by Kathy’s daughter, Erin, who was killed in a car accident in 2013 at the age of 23. Erin was the beloved cousin of Fr. Kevin Upham, parochial vicar at the Portland Peninsula & Island Parishes.

When Fr. Upham celebrated his first Mass as a priest in May of 2018, he offered it for the intention of Erin, whose parents served as gift bearers at the Mass.

“Her death did not silence her vibrant spirit. Her journals live on,” said Kathy. “Erin was genuinely beautiful, inside and out. She had the gift of listening well to people of all ages with empathy and compassion.”

A quiet, non-judgmental demeanor that continues to serve as an inspiration.

“She lifted people up,” said Kathy. “Erin had her own anxieties and a little depression, as many of us have, but her strong faith, hope, and love, as seen in her writings, managed to pull her through those rough patches. I hope this book will gently guide people through valleys and hills in their own life.”

All are welcome to attend the book signing on October 26. For more information, call the Abbey at (207) 885-5813.

Media & Events

Book signings, speaking engagements, and other guest appearances by the author will be announced on this page.

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome. My name is Kathy Rodriques, author of THE LOUDEST QUIET GIRL: MESSAGES OF HOPE IN A DARK WORLD: THE SHORT FULL LIFE AND INSPIRATIONAL WRITINGS OF ERIN KATE RODRIQUES. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here.

I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about THE LOUDEST QUIET GIRL: MESSAGES OF HOPE IN A DARK WORLD, expanding on some of the topics in it and blogging on some of the ideas related to my book. This is a great place for you to get to know me, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too. What did you think of THE LOUDEST QUIET GIRL: MESSAGES OF HOPE IN A DARK WORLD? What questions do you have for me? How do you relate to my book?

I’ll be returning here frequently with new posts and responses to feedback from you. Until next time, tell me a little bit about yourself.